Friday, January 4, 2013

Floating Letters

One of the best ways to organize and re-energize your space is to put similar things together. So often when decorating we buy objects that we love, bring them home and insert them somewhere.  Most likely if your anything like me, you buy similar items.  I go through color phases, object obsession phases and must have trendy phases.  Then all of a sudden I realize, I have a collection of something and I need to put it all together.  Perhaps the collection has grown and it all needs to be taken down and either re-located or re-arranged.  This is where the fun begins.

When I set out to design my son's bedroom, I browsed through image after image of boy's rooms and nurseries.   I knew I wanted his children's books to face outward.    There is so much wonderful art on children's books.  I wanted to display it.  I put up these three white shelves from Ikea.  But I only had a few books at the time.  So I started to add things like the three-dimensional letter H (a gift from my mom-in-law who loves to add letters to her decor).  I added the N and the S (letters from our wedding decor) and various objects to the shelves. Somewhere along the way a fourth shelf was added.  What I was left with was a wall with shelves and stuff on it, but no real wow factor.  I just decorated the wall. That was it.

I knew I had to make a change.  Down came all the stuff and the shelves as my husband cringed.  Then back up went the shelves at a kid friendly height.  Next I added all of the books, without accessories.  By this point the books had grown.  I immediately got my wow factor.  It needed something else above it, something three dimensional, like letters. A random collection of letters.

Now, it's not just me who is adding letters but my friend Susan who gave him the W and the Q and his Grandma who gave him the tiny H.  I have my eyes on a B at Anthropology, meanwhile I'm considering painting the white letters that I picked up at a vintage store a black or green, maybe even yellow. 

For now, when I'm rocking Hank to sleep, I look at the wall and imagine that the letters are emerging from the books, literally jumping off the pages, floating up the wall...

Saying, "Look at me Hank...Learn your letters...Dream up new stories to tell..."

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