Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lost on the Coast

Can you imagine how small we really are?  These trees keep me in check. 

They are the giant redwood trees in Northern California.  I've been amongst them for the last week.

In fact, you could say I got lost while I was there.  There, on the Lost Coast of California.

Lost in kid land.  Lost in imagination and time spent just playing, talking, laughing.
Lost amongst the folds of my brain that are trying so hard to keep it all straight. 
And now I'm back.  Back to laundry, cleaning and life's regularly scheduled events.
Back to my writing, staying up way too late, squeezing every last ounce out of my days.
Back to creating, designing and generally loving this life I get to live every day. 
It's good to go away.  But it's good to be back.